Thursday, June 9, 2016

9 Years

Today Josh and I are celebrating our ninth wedding anniversary. I use the term celebrating rather loosely. These days a celebration in our house means minion stickers on Lance's Power Potty Chart - Go Go Potty, Lancey! But that's another post altogether. Today was pretty much a day like any other for our family. And I am okay with that.

It can be tempting to think back to the way things used to be. Don't you remember all of the emotions you felt when you first met your spouse, when you started to fall in love? Don't you remember all of the excitement of getting engaged and planning your wedding? Those were good days. Those were good feelings. But ask anyone who has been married for more than a year or two and they will tell you, those feelings start to change. Life starts to change. There's school and jobs and housework and honey-do's. There are babies that won't sleep and children that get sick and sinks that leak and... well, you know. Let me just say, though, that if you stick with it... if you are committed to the vows you made to your spouse and to God... It is beautiful. 

Because the jewelry he bought you when you were dating? It is  special and you still wear it and remember. But the other day you were sick and he corralled your boys and let you sleep - oh precious sleep - and there was nothing greater he could have given you. The words that he whispered in your ear once when you sat on the beach in the moonlight? They were sweet. But they have nothing on the words that he whispered in your ear as you clutched his hand and he helped you to find the strength to bring your son into the world.  That time he came to get you from the doctor because you were alone and scared and hurting? That was selfless. But then your dog got cancer. And he knew that you would go if you had to, but that it would be more than you could bear. So he went instead. He stayed with him so he wouldn't be alone in the end. And then you held each other up as your hearts broke together.

It is beautiful.

So this evening I fed the boys and we had a dance party in the living room. I read them their bedtime stories and snuggled their chatty little selves until they finally got sleepy. Josh stayed late at work and then put on a black suit and helped family and friends say their goodbyes to a loved one. And we met at the end of it all, tired. But this is life together. Isn't it beautiful?

Josh, I am thankful for the nine years we have had together. I love you. I love our life. And I am glad that I get to wake up tomorrow and do it all again. Happy Anniversary.

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